One more…

Wednesday marked eight weeks since I was diagnosed with cancer. Wow, we’ve survived three surgeries and the first three weeks of chemotherapy and radiation treatments. My wife is my encourager, coach, nurse, and protector. She truly is a Proverbs wife (Proverbs 18:22). The boys have patiently allowed me to heal, rest, and keep me laughing. I’ve installed an incredible board of directors and a world-class president for Digital Lightbridge. I have my legal and financial obligations in order. My beloved staff is executing their responsibilities with excellence and exceeding client expectations. Our friends have given us energy to fight and endure this strange season in our lives.

We’ve met many hurting people throughout our travels in and out of medical offices who not only seem to have no hope; they appear to only focus on their disease. I thank the Lord that He is allowing me to have the perspective that He is in control and is working out His purposes in, with, and through me (and most of the time I am an obstinate servant). I’m glad He uses me anyway.

Late next week, I’ll be spending the night at Mease Countryside Hospital to have a feeding tube procedure. Typically, that’s an outpatient surgery, but due to my unique, internal neck anatomy (post neck dissection), they want to monitor me a little closer. The feeding tube is to help with the esophagus irritation that I am experiencing due to the daily radiation treatments. My weight is presently stable, but food is increasing, becoming a challenge.

I’m very glad to have the weekend to rest without doctor’s visits, injections, or “the mask.”

Thank you to everyone who encourages me and my family with your random acts of kindness!

Love, abide and press on, Rich

Technology & 25%

Today, I went to the International Plaza, and I purchased an iPad; this model was released yesterday. It will enable me to blog and communicate more regularly (and it’s very cool). I continue to be able to eat well with the aid of a terrible-tasting, very expensive, but amazingly effective mouth rinse called Caphosol. I’ve also begun to apply daily a topical emulsion to my face called Biafine to help with the redness and soreness caused by the radiation treatments. Yesterday was day 10 of the 40-day program! We are twenty-five percent completed with chemotherapy, injections, and radiation. While at the mall, we had a great lunch at the Cheesecake Factory. At the Apple Store we meet a great Mac specialist named Steve Fidrych, who is pushing through his own physical challenges beautifully. I hope to speak with him again soon. My energy has been good today. Last week it was very low, which is very frustrating to me. Thankfully, my sons have allowed me to heal and recover from the treatments with great support. I love ’em!

Have a great evening and Sunday, friends!

Press on, Rich


Today, as I sit in chemotherapy with about 20 other cancer patients at Florida Cancer Institute, I’m reflecting on how “lucky” I’ve been throughout my life. I’ve survived lightning strikes, serious head injuries, broken bones, car accidents, many burning buildings as a volunteer firefighter, driving NASCAR solo at Atlanta Motor Speedway, whitewater rapids on the Chattooga River, and other stuff that I don’t want my Mom or kids to know about 😉 The Lord has clearly preserved and prepared me for this cancer journey. He determines all of our longevity.

In the chemo treatment room today, I see patients from every walk of life: affluent, dependent, very old, too young, terminal, funny, grouchy, determined, defeated, dedicated, anxious, and peaceful. The full gamut of the human experience.

I don’t want to waste my cancer. I know that my experience is meant to be shared. Those who know me, know that I’m a private person who prefers to encourage over promoting oneself. Since I know God doesn’t make mistakes, He must have chosen me for a specific reason. He has a plan for each of us.

We began this morning dropping the boys off for school, quick breakfast, at 9:15 am for blood draw in the phlebotomy room, vital signs (BP, temp., pulse), weighing, medical oncology examination/consultation with Dr. Robbins, then IV (Aloxi & Prednisone), two Amifostine injections (ouch!), chemo drugs (Taxol & Cisplatin). I ate fruit salad, olive oil sea salt, almonds, Raisinettes, chocolate-covered pretzels, and green tea. Chemo should be over just in time for radiation. Basically, I get bolted to a table by the mesh head mask for about 10-15 minutes five days a week @ 2:10pm (most days). Tomorrow, I plan to attend my monthly C12 meeting at Tampa Palms Country Club. I’ll need to leave early ($10.00 fine) to get radiation back in New Port Richey.

Thankfully, on Saturday I had just enough energy to take my three sons and their friend Luke to All Pro Dad at Raymond James Stadium to listen to Tony Dungy and the Family First team. It was a great experience.

Well, it’s now 2:40pm, radiation is over, and we are going for an early sushi dinner (the steroid makes me very hungry).

Whew, one week and one day down, less than seven weeks to go.

Press on, friends!

Below is a picture that I shot today with my iPhone of the ceiling directly above the radiation table. The lasers are used for alignment.

First Chemo

Hey friends!

Today, I had the first round of chemotherapy and the second radiation treatment. We checked in at 8:45am for blood work, a medical oncology consult with Dr. Robbins, then IVs and injections for 4.5 hours. Followed by radiation, which was much shorter and tolerable. Then, radiation oncologist consult. Dr. Hochman decided to only radiate the left side of my neck and face.

We discovered a few ministry opportunities today. Details to follow..

A patient brought everyone Klondike ice cream bars!

I celebrated my appetite by getting sushi!

Please pray for a good friend, Miranda, who is pregnant with twins. She has been hospitalized until the babies are born.

Thank you for everything and press on friends, Rich

Weird experience

Today, I received the first of forty radiation treatments. The staff at the Florida Cancer Institute are incredibly nice. The experience of being bolted to a narrow table by my face was… scary. This treatment was longer than the successive ones, as they needed to shoot some x-rays and consult with a medical oncologist. The technicians were pleased with the initial procedure.

Tomorrow, morning we start chemotherapy at 8:45am. It’s expected to last five to six hours. At 2:15pm, I receive the second radiation treatment.

Thanks for the prayer support. I appreciate the cards and notes of encouragement. I apologize for not being able to follow up with everyone directly. You are a huge part of my care team. Thank you!

Here are a few photos taken today.

Press on, dear friends. Rich

Basic, simple faith!

It’s been five weeks (yesterday) since I was first diagnosed with a very rare, Stage IV CxPA cancer. After three surgeries, CAT and PET scans, injections, blood draws and intravenous therapies, radiation preparation and a multitude of doctor consultations and oncology visits, Lisa and I are overwhelmed, over-informed and very thankful.

We have been incredibly blessed by the support and random acts of kindness to our family and company by our wonderful friends and business colleagues.

Through greeting cards, this Blog, Facebook, email and CaresPages (search richardhayes) website we have received many encouraging notes about our strong faith during this wild storm in our lives. Jesus said in Matthew 17:20 “He said to them, “Because of the littleness of your faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.” Well, I haven’t moved any mountains yet, but my little faith has sustained me and given me great confidence to press on to whatever God has in-store for the balance of my life. I pray that its a long life, but none of us knows the hour, year or duration of this life.

Next week, I will begin intensive radiation therapy (5 days a week for 8 weeks) on my the left side of my face and both sides of my neck and chemotherapy (once a week (4-5 hours) for 8 weeks). The pathology and post-surgery reports were not what we were expecting.

We know that everybody has problems, difficulties and challenges and many are much greater than ours. I pray that many people come to know the Lord perhaps for the first time or more intimately due our story.

“For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.” 1 John 5:4

Press on! Love, Rich

Thankful & Blessed

Wow! Finally able to work a full week, albeit shorter hours. Fatigue and pain have lessened throughout the week.

Digital Lightbridge acquired new business and new ministry opportunities this week. Our friends at Cornerstone brought the entire staff a wonderful lunch on Thursday. We enjoyed their fellowship and warm hospitality.

I also received a UPS package of incredible books and cancer resources from former Major League Baseball player and author Dave Dravecky.

My three sons had a great time on Spring Break at Green Key Beach, canoeing on the Chassahowitzka River, disc golf, and movies with their grandparents and friends.

Next Tuesday, we visit with the oncologist and begin radiation on my face and neck. My scars are healing enough to begin the treatments, and I’ve gained 9 pounds in anticipation of losing quite a bit of weight during the eight weeks of treatment. Ironically, next week (April 12-19, 2010) is Head & Neck Cancer Awareness Week. A month ago, I wouldn’t have cared or known that cancer that arises in the head or neck region is the sixth-most-common form of cancer in the United States. If you discover a lump or bump, please get it checked out immediately.

Being an entrepreneur and employer for the past nine years, has typically allowed me to be in a position to give and provide. I truly enjoy serving and leading my staff, their families, clients, and strategic partners. I have been overwhelmed with the generosity, compassion, acts of kindness, and selfless love lavished upon me, my family, and the company since my diagnosis of Stage IV Carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma (CxPA). Receiving these blessings has increased my faith. Thank you, dear friends, for everything.

At the conclusion of my 31st day of surviving cancer, I feel thankful and blessed.

Press on! Love, Rich

Stitches Out!

Yesterday, after working from early morning to noon, Mitchell (he’s on Spring Break) took me to lunch at Chili’s. Afterward, we went to my doctor appointment. I had the eyebrow stitches from the March 29th eye surgery removed by my primary surgeon, Dr. Steiniger. He also told us that he and Dr. Alidina removed 75 lymph nodes and an additional tumor from my neck during the March 23rd neck dissection surgery. The tumor and 10 of the lymph nodes were cancerous. The scars are healing very well, and the cancer doesn’t appear to be outside of the face and neck. On Tuesday, April 13th, we go back to the Florida Cancer Institute and meet with Dr. Hochman to begin radiation treatments. I believe they will first create the radiation mask. I will undergo 40 treatments over the course of 8 weeks, 5 days a week. The treatments should last about 30 minutes. Next week I also start physical therapy to regain full range of motion and feeling in my upper left arm, neck, and shoulder. Still trying to gain weight in anticipation of losing weight during radiation.

Thank you again for the overwhelming, beautiful support and warm encouragement of our friends and family. Your prayers mean a lot during these strange times.

Great news! Yesterday, we were presented by the agency with the beginning of the adoption package for our foster son. The process is months, perhaps years away, but it’s great progress within this very slow and challenging system.

As we strive to walk closely with the Lord, I was reminded this morning in my quiet time that God goes before us; He stands beside and behind us to provide protection and comfort (Psalm 139:7-12). Even in the midst of bewildering circumstances, the Lord is there.

That gives us confidence to press on.

Updates are also posted on; search for RichardHayes (no spaces).

Reflections on Easter

Here is the latest from Rich!

Reflections on Easter

Wow! I’m glad March 2010 is over. I’m really looking forward to the balance of this year. Three quarters, nine action-packed months, 273 days—however we look at 2010, twenty-five percent of this year is gone. Time is a funny thing. Sometimes it seems slow, short, not enough, or too much. Circumstances often affect my perspective on time. Recovering from these cancer surgeries has given me extra time to just think and reflect. Being still and patient is not easy for me (or most people I know).

As my family and I look forward to this year’s Easter celebration weekend, I’ve been thinking about God’s process of really glorifying Himself throughout the Old and New Testament. He creates a scenario that appears to be a death or a near-death experience to then reveal a miracle of life. Jonah and the whale, Abraham and Isaac (Genesis 22:12), Moses and the Red Sea, and Lazarus (John 11:4) come to mind. Then the biggest miracle of all, God’s plan to save the entire world, required His own son to die to pay for the sins of the whole world (Good Friday, Luke 23:46). Three days later, surprise, not dead, alive (Luke 24:6)! What appeared to be the end, death and tragedy, God turned into the most incredible demonstration of His love for all of His children (us, you, and me).

So, what does this have to do with my cancer journey (Day 23)? Well, God has allowed part of me to die (facial nerves, neck muscles, lymph nodes, etc.). Some pride has been cut away, and my perspective on the “future/time” is markedly different in a way that I could never have imagined without this cancer journey. These scars and paralysis will always remind me that God is absolutely in control of my plans and my every breath (and yours too, dear friends).

As I continue to walk out this journey with fear and excitement, I hope to honor and please the Lord. Thank you for following my story; I look forward to the next chapter.

Happy Easter, friends! Celebrate both the crucified and alive Jesus.

Press on, Rich

He said it so I don’t have to! God is great!

March Madness

Here is the latest directly from Rich:

This morning is the third surgery in 19 days.  Left eye surgery is scheduled to begin at 7:00 am at Mease Dunedin Hospital, Dr. Morgan, technically as an outpatient procedure. It should result in improved vision and better/tighter closing at night. They will also remove the staples from my neck!
God is teaching me a lot about submission, what He values most, and trusting in Him alone.
Thankfully, my family and I have been blessed by generous support from our friends/family at Digital Lightbridge, church, and throughout our community. Thank you seems inadequate, but thank you all! Your notes, calls, visits, food, and flowers are a HUGE encouragement to the entire Hayes family. We’ll try to update again post-op and before radiation begins. Ironically, my surgeon wants me to gain about 15 lbs. I’ve lost 60 lbs. intentionally before the cancer diagnosis. Ice cream, sweet tea, oatmeal cookies, and sushi—here I come. No rabbit food for a while!
Love, Rich
I’ll leave it at that… Press On!