Treatment Week Four

Today, we completed the 4th chemotherapy treatment and 17th radiation session! It was a very long day, and I slept a lot, which is a bit frustrating. After the morning blood work, which my numbers are still good, but changing significantly due to the quantity of medications, my good friend Chuck Coit (President of One Stop Pharmacy) visited me at the Florida Cancer Institute in between procedures. He personally delivered several much-needed medications to help with my mouth, throat, and skin. The custom-formulated skin cream is called Res-Q. It feels great and should help reduce the effects of the radiation burns on my skin better than the prescribed Biafine due to its superior ingredients. Our tradition after chemo has been an early dinner at a great sushi restaurant. My oncologist advised me not to eat raw fish due to my compromised immune system. We compromised and ordered all cooked sushi, miso soup, and ginger salad.

We’ve also decided that since my weight is stable and my swallowing is good, we should postpone the feeding tube (and perhaps skip it; that’s a prayer request, friends). Another surgery and hospital stay is very unappealing to me.

My good friend Marty Morris emailed me this verse: “The righteous cry, and the LORD hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles.” Psalm 34:17

The Lord has convinced me by His Word that I will be healed! I don’t know when, but I have confidence that He will. Until then, we’ll continue to push through with the treatments and celebrate when we hear the words “You are cancer free!” I’ve also been reading a book that another friend and mentor, Dave Dunkel, gave me recently, Andrew Murray’s book Spiritual Healing.

Business at Digital Lightbridge is good, and my incredible team, board of directors, and new president, Ron Altman, are providing great value to our clients. Most days, I work about six hours before I leave for treatments. The new projects and ministry initiatives that we are managing are very exciting.

Today, Chandler received his last progress report for eighth grade (all A’s & B’s!). Mitch is doing great and overcame his fear of roller coasters this weekend at Busch Gardens. Thank you to those who’ve been praying that he would become less fearful. I can already see that his confidence is better. Our three-year-old foster son has a parental visit soon. I ask for you to pray for his protection. The visits usually result in regressive behavior.

Thanks for the encouragement, dear friends! I cherish your comments, notes, tweets, status updates, and support! Love Rich