Stitches Out!

Yesterday, after working from early morning to noon, Mitchell (he’s on Spring Break) took me to lunch at Chili’s. Afterward, we went to my doctor appointment. I had the eyebrow stitches from the March 29th eye surgery removed by my primary surgeon, Dr. Steiniger. He also told us that he and Dr. Alidina removed 75 lymph nodes and an additional tumor from my neck during the March 23rd neck dissection surgery. The tumor and 10 of the lymph nodes were cancerous. The scars are healing very well, and the cancer doesn’t appear to be outside of the face and neck. On Tuesday, April 13th, we go back to the Florida Cancer Institute and meet with Dr. Hochman to begin radiation treatments. I believe they will first create the radiation mask. I will undergo 40 treatments over the course of 8 weeks, 5 days a week. The treatments should last about 30 minutes. Next week I also start physical therapy to regain full range of motion and feeling in my upper left arm, neck, and shoulder. Still trying to gain weight in anticipation of losing weight during radiation.

Thank you again for the overwhelming, beautiful support and warm encouragement of our friends and family. Your prayers mean a lot during these strange times.

Great news! Yesterday, we were presented by the agency with the beginning of the adoption package for our foster son. The process is months, perhaps years away, but it’s great progress within this very slow and challenging system.

As we strive to walk closely with the Lord, I was reminded this morning in my quiet time that God goes before us; He stands beside and behind us to provide protection and comfort (Psalm 139:7-12). Even in the midst of bewildering circumstances, the Lord is there.

That gives us confidence to press on.

Updates are also posted on; search for RichardHayes (no spaces).