“You’re healed!”

Hey friends,
I’m sorry that I haven’t shared on this blog in over a year. Wow, a lot has happened and most significantly regarding my health, I now have an update to share. After finally reaching the six month follow-up schedule with my oncologists, I had a PET-CT scan in May 2014 that revealed some troublesome results. My doctor and the imaging technicians identified abnormal lymph nodes in my neck. They’d been watching them for a few months and this scan delivered the findings. We discussed potential surgical options and perhaps radiation treatment. We decided to wait a few months and check them again and determine the extent of the reoccurrence. On September 10, 2014, I had another whole body, PET-CT and on September 12th I met with my oncologist. Their office was very busy for a late Friday afternoon. I waited in the lobby for almost an hour, which felt like a day. I watched patients walking in and out in various stages of treatment; the newly diagnosed, the critical ill and frail. I thought, here we go again. My turn to be ‘that guy’, the sick friend with cancer. I though about my kids and the important moments in their lives that I might miss. I thought of my wife, Lisa and how she’d have to become my caregiver, again. I waited and began to pray. I asked God to heal me or give me the right attitude to face cancer again. I waited, come on people, when is my turn. Finally the nurse called me “Mr. Hayes, the doctor is ready to see you,” which really means, you now sit in the little room, alone.They checked my weight, blood pressure and temperature. I filled out a clipboard checklist and waited a bit more.

Dr. Hochman entered the room, shook my hand, sat at the computer and open the screen to the diagnostic scans. He said that “the lymph nodes have resolved themselves.” I said “resolved themselves, what does that mean?” He said, “well I guess you’d say, you’re healed, no cancer or tumors”. Whoa! I was blown away. In a moment, my trajectory was changed, again. He completed the exam and said, “well, now you graduate to nine-month follow-up appointments!”

I jumped into my Jeep and called Lisa and shared the good news with her. I sat in the parking lot for a few minutes and reflected on the significance of the day. God spared me yet again from an insidious disease that once occupied my every thought.  Every day, every moment, every interruption, every relationship and every opportunity to serve someone else comes from the God who created the universe.

Lisa and I have started a foundation called CXPA Cancer Foundation. It’s goal is to distill and provide relevant information, encouragement and hope to cancer patients and their caregivers.   Please check it out and let us know what you think: http://www.cxpacancer.com Thankfully, we have connected with a few wonderful people who’ve been impacted by carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma. We pray that God will ministry to them through us.

Overall, my energy-level and strength continues to slowly improve. In March, I began a new, pain management therapy regiment with a great doctor, which includes new pain medications and quarterly, peripheral nerve blocks. Below are two images from my most recent series of injections.

peripheral nerve blocks imaging screen                               peripheral nerve block imaging

Our three sons Chandler, Mitchell and Tristan are back in school, college freshmen, high school sophomore, and second grader!

Over the past five and half years, we have foster-parented over forty different children. Some of the kids simply spend the night with us after their parents’ arrest. A few have stayed with us for a few weeks until a relative makes accommodations for them. We’ve had the joy of having two brothers for over two years. We pray that God soon opens the door and allows them to live with their forever family soon.

Last summer, after living in the same house for fifteen years, we moved into a home that we call it the Second Chance Ranch. It significantly helps us foster-parent more effectively.

Thankfully, my incredible team at Digital Lightbridge continues to be blessed with many new and exciting organizations to serve, brand and guide towards success. Last April, Digital Lightbridge celebrated its 13th anniversary.

Today, with my best friend John Faulkner we published the ninth issue of TwoTen Magazine! It is a simultaneous print and digital (web &  iPad) publication aimed to challenge business leaders to manage their organizations from a Christian perspective and improve their effectiveness. The covers have featured Coach Tony Dungy, Tim Tebow, Dr. Ben Carson, Rev. Billy Graham, Willie Robertson, Shannon Bream, Gary LeVox, David Green and Dina Dwyer-Owens. It’s been very exciting traveling the country and telling the stories about what God does through His people.

Thank you to everyone who has encouraged me, Lisa and my boys during this strange, horrible, wonderful and incredible journey.

Love and press on, Rich

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About Richard Hayes

Richard William Hayes is the Chief Executive Officer and managing partner of Digital Lightbridge®. Hayes founded the creative digital agency in early 2001 and remains faithful to its mission of helping companies achieve their business objectives through strategic marketing solutions. Richard is responsible for managing the firm’s day-to-day business operations, as well as sales, and delivering exceptional client service. Richard has over 30 years of experience in advertising and marketing, having held executive positions with Fortune 500 companies and several major communications businesses. Past positions include Chief Operations Officer for Inteledigm Communications, a web development company; Vice President of Cortex Communications, a leading medical education firm; Senior Project Manager and Creative Director for TechData Corporation (TECD); and creative leadership positions with The Tampa Tribune (MEG) and several innovative advertising agencies. Richard is a proud graduate of LeadershipPasco and the Pasco County Citizens' Academy. Senator Mike Fasano presented Hayes and Pasco County Sheriff Chris Nocco with “Good Scouter Awards” from the Greater Tampa Bay Area Council. He was twice awarded the “Business of the Year High Impact Award” by Somebody Cares Tampa Bay. Richard has also been a two-time recipient of C12 Tampa Bay's “Member of the Year Award” and Servant Leadership Awards. He was bestowed the “Hero Award” by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Tampa Bay. Hayes co-founded and published a national Christian leadership publication called TwoTen Magazine. The publication has featured a wide variety of leaders, including Coach Tony Dungy, Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow, best-selling author Dave Ramsey, Dr. Ben Carson, Duck Dynasty’s Willie Robertson, Shannon Bream of Fox News, Gary LeVox of Rascal Flatts, David Green founder of Hobby Lobby, Dina Dwyer-Owens of The Dwyer Group, Ben Watson of the New Orleans Saints, and award-winning country music singer Josh Turner. Hayes is active in his community, currently serving on the Board of Directors of Feeding Pasco’s Elderly as Treasurer, New Harvest Missions International, and CXPA Cancer Foundation, and as an advisory board member for Pasco County Libraries, Marchman Technical College, Abe Brown Ministries, ICDM, Tampa Port Ministries, and a current committee member of CBMC’s Annual Tampa Bay Leadership Prayer Breakfast, Light Up The Night Tampa Bay, The Human Trafficking Foundation, and Jeepin 4 Justice. He is a member of the Westshore Alliance, Christian Chamber of Commerce of Tampa Bay, Gideons International, and The Greater Dade City Chamber of Commerce. Richard has also held leadership positions with the Magnolia Valley Fire Department, where he served for five years as a firefighter, board member, and training officer. Richard and his exquisite wife Nikki, live in Dade City (North Tampa Bay, Florida). They are the proud parents of five, way-above-average, children. The Hayes’ are child-welfare advocates and human-trafficking abolitionists.

11 thoughts on ““You’re healed!”

  1. Thank God for this blessed family. I have been through some of what Richard has endured and it is an ever-consuming deal. God knows what to do with such a terrific family !

  2. Reblogged this on Free to Fly Now and commented:
    Hello my blog friends. I would be remiss if I did not share this heart-touching story of the hope. From Stage IV terminal cancer (less than a year ago) to full recovery, Richard Hayes, CEO of Digital Lightbridge, daily redefines humility. Did I mention I have the honor and privilege of serving alongside him at DLB?

    Friends, God has blessed my socks off over the last year. Do you believe He is still in the business of working miracles? I would love to hear about it. Do you have your own miracle to share? Let’s hear it!

    As Rich would say, “Press On!” Thank you for stopping by!

    Tristine Barry

  3. Inspiring. What an Incredible GOD we serve. With Him, the impossible is made simple. WE owe all to our Savior Jesus Christ. He lovingly gave everything for everybody. He still works today. Never far away, most times… so close we can hear Him whisper. Praise Him in the storm.

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