365 Days Cancer-free

Hey friends,

It’s been one year today since my medical oncologist, Dr. Robbins told Lisa and me that I’m “100% cancer-free”. It’s still humbling, frustrating, unbelievable and thrilling.

Our three sons Chandler, Mitchell and Tristan are back in school, high school sophomore, 7th grade and pre-K… whew! We continue to pray that Ty’s adoption is finalized this year.

Thankfully, business at Digital Lightbridge continues to be blessed with many new and exciting organizations to serve, brand and guide towards success. In April, Digital Lightbridge celebrated its 10th anniversary.

I continue to speak publicly about the miraculous healing that I received from stage IV cancer, which is ironic since the left side of my face is paralyzed and talking in a clear manner is a challenge. On Thursday, September 15th, I’ll be speaking in Tampa at the Lake Magdalene United Methodist Church during their business luncheon and on Friday, October 28th, I’ll be speaking in Orlando at the Gaylord Palms at the C12’s 2011 Leadership Conference.

Thank you to everyone who has cheered me and my family on during this strange, horrible, wonderful and incredible experience.

Press on friends, Rich

4 thoughts on “365 Days Cancer-free

  1. Yea!!! Praising God for your healing.

    God knows the heart – and
    He knew you would use your miracle for his glory!

    Delighted to hear that you are getting so many chances to share
    your strory.

    May many be blessed and drawn to Jesus!

    Pam Wolf

  2. I didn’t know you were struggling with this. Praise God for his mercy, grace and power in your healing from stage IV cancer! I will pray for a full recovery.

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