Happy New Infection!

Well, the new year started out without a hint that God was about to show me, yet again, that He is really in control of everything. My first day back to work after the Christmas and New Year’s Eve break was Wednesday, January 2, 2013. Early that morning after my quiet-time with the Lord, I prayed for God show me how He planned to use me in the brand new year. The balance of that day was thankfully, pretty smooth. My employees arrived, we had a time of fellowship by sharing with each other about what each person did during the holidays, we had an operations meeting and then we got to work designing and developing marketing programs. I was excited about the new year, but a bit anxious and determined to start the year off with new sales and ministry opportunities. That day we has received from our printer, the second issue of TwoTen Magazine featuring Tim Tebow. The next morning, I was the keynote speaker at Real Estate Lives, a non-profit organization that serves real estate professionals in Tampa Bay. Real Estate Lives is led by two of my friends Ron Weaver, attorney at Stearns Weaver Miller and Bruce Jonas, CEO of Masters Construction. The attendees at the event were great people. The balance of that day was filled with client meetings. I decided to take Friday off and spend the day with Lisa. Saturday was a typically day for the Hayes family, our older sons sleep-in (teenagers!) while our foster sons ( brothers, 1 and 3 years old) and Tristan were up early to take on the day. That evening I wasn’t feeling well and thought that I was catching a winter cold or sinus infection. On Sunday morning, I skipped church and slept-in most of the day. On Monday morning, my alarm went off at 5:00am and as I was preparing for work, I looked in the mirror and noticed that the left side of my face and eye was very red and beginning to swell. This concerned me because the irritation was precisely in the areas were I had cancer and radiation. I went to my office and did some work, then I called my surgeon’s office and they agreed to see me as their first appointment that morning. Dr. Steiniger examined me and was concerned also. He prescribed oral antibiotics and said that if the infection got worse to the hospital. The antibiotics made me sick and by Tuesday morning, the infection was growing. That morning I called my oncologist’s office and they got me in early to see Dr. Hochman. He immediately concurred that I need to be admitted to the hospital. So off Lisa and I went to the emergency room, where coincidentally, everyone in my town was as due to an outbreak of the flu. After several hours of waiting, I was finally admitted, where the incredible nursing and admissions staff began to triage symptoms and diagnosis my condition through blood-work, vitals and a CAT scan. That afternoon, I was admitted to room and given a series of antibiotics through an IV. On Wednesday morning, I met with the hospital’s infectious disease specialist who was concerned that the infection was entering my left eye and brain. He increased the volume and mix of antibiotics. By Thursday morning, the infection was worse, the antibiotics weren’t working fast enough. The medical team supplemented my intravenous therapy with my old friend, injections in the stomach. Thankfully, by late Thursday evening and early Friday morning the infection subsided enough to be discharged, hooray!

So, what was the lesson for me, why did God cause or allow this to happen? Why did He put me in a hospital bed for a week at the beginning of a new year, instead of the marketplace where I could make things happen? I believe He was wanting to prove that He was in control and I wasn’t. I wasn’t in control of my health, schedule or plans, again. In that hospital room, I rededicated the businesses that I manage to God.

The next week, was full of opportunities that I could have never imagined or planned in my own strength. I also met a special guy in my hospital room, that I hope will become a long-time friend.

Thank you to everyone who has encouraged me and my boys during this strange, horrible, wonderful and incredible journey.

Love and press on, Rich

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About Richard Hayes

Richard William Hayes is the Chief Executive Officer and managing partner of Digital Lightbridge®. Hayes founded the creative digital agency in early 2001 and remains faithful to its mission of helping companies achieve their business objectives through strategic marketing solutions. Richard is responsible for managing the firm’s day-to-day business operations, as well as sales, and delivering exceptional client service. Richard has over 30 years of experience in advertising and marketing, having held executive positions with Fortune 500 companies and several major communications businesses. Past positions include Chief Operations Officer for Inteledigm Communications, a web development company; Vice President of Cortex Communications, a leading medical education firm; Senior Project Manager and Creative Director for TechData Corporation (TECD); and creative leadership positions with The Tampa Tribune (MEG) and several innovative advertising agencies. Richard is a proud graduate of LeadershipPasco and the Pasco County Citizens' Academy. Senator Mike Fasano presented Hayes and Pasco County Sheriff Chris Nocco with “Good Scouter Awards” from the Greater Tampa Bay Area Council. He was twice awarded the “Business of the Year High Impact Award” by Somebody Cares Tampa Bay. Richard has also been a two-time recipient of C12 Tampa Bay's “Member of the Year Award” and Servant Leadership Awards. He was bestowed the “Hero Award” by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Tampa Bay. Hayes co-founded and published a national Christian leadership publication called TwoTen Magazine. The publication has featured a wide variety of leaders, including Coach Tony Dungy, Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow, best-selling author Dave Ramsey, Dr. Ben Carson, Duck Dynasty’s Willie Robertson, Shannon Bream of Fox News, Gary LeVox of Rascal Flatts, David Green founder of Hobby Lobby, Dina Dwyer-Owens of The Dwyer Group, Ben Watson of the New Orleans Saints, and award-winning country music singer Josh Turner. Hayes is active in his community, currently serving on the Board of Directors of Feeding Pasco’s Elderly as Treasurer, New Harvest Missions International, and CXPA Cancer Foundation, and as an advisory board member for Pasco County Libraries, Marchman Technical College, Abe Brown Ministries, ICDM, Tampa Port Ministries, and a current committee member of CBMC’s Annual Tampa Bay Leadership Prayer Breakfast, Light Up The Night Tampa Bay, The Human Trafficking Foundation, and Jeepin 4 Justice. He is a member of the Westshore Alliance, Christian Chamber of Commerce of Tampa Bay, Gideons International, and The Greater Dade City Chamber of Commerce. Richard has also held leadership positions with the Magnolia Valley Fire Department, where he served for five years as a firefighter, board member, and training officer. Richard and his exquisite wife Nikki, live in Dade City (North Tampa Bay, Florida). They are the proud parents of five, way-above-average, children. The Hayes’ are child-welfare advocates and human-trafficking abolitionists.

2 thoughts on “Happy New Infection!

  1. Dear Rich,
    mob May 16, 2014 , after CT scans and biopsies, I got a call from my ENT. I was told my parotid tumor was malignant. On June 2, my journey began. High grade, Stage IV, CXPA in 9 lymph nodes. Surgery was on June 18th. The tumor was removed along with the lymph nodes affected. All good. On June 18, 2 more lymph nodes popped up near my collar bone, biopsy showed malignancy. Anyway, I went ahead and started my radiation with adjuvant chemo. My last treatments were August 29th. You have been my inspiration through all of this. I have to have another pocket of lymph nodes removed and then my check up will be on Nov. 6th. I will stay positive and hope my news will be the same as yours!!!! I pray for you and hope yours stays gone forever. It’s a rare cancer as you know. It’s difficult because there are very few people out there with which to commiserate. Thank you for your blog!!!!!!!!!

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