Reflections on Easter

Here is the latest from Rich!

Reflections on Easter

Wow! I’m glad March 2010 is over. I’m really looking forward to the balance of this year. Three quarters, nine action-packed months, 273 days—however we look at 2010, twenty-five percent of this year is gone. Time is a funny thing. Sometimes it seems slow, short, not enough, or too much. Circumstances often affect my perspective on time. Recovering from these cancer surgeries has given me extra time to just think and reflect. Being still and patient is not easy for me (or most people I know).

As my family and I look forward to this year’s Easter celebration weekend, I’ve been thinking about God’s process of really glorifying Himself throughout the Old and New Testament. He creates a scenario that appears to be a death or a near-death experience to then reveal a miracle of life. Jonah and the whale, Abraham and Isaac (Genesis 22:12), Moses and the Red Sea, and Lazarus (John 11:4) come to mind. Then the biggest miracle of all, God’s plan to save the entire world, required His own son to die to pay for the sins of the whole world (Good Friday, Luke 23:46). Three days later, surprise, not dead, alive (Luke 24:6)! What appeared to be the end, death and tragedy, God turned into the most incredible demonstration of His love for all of His children (us, you, and me).

So, what does this have to do with my cancer journey (Day 23)? Well, God has allowed part of me to die (facial nerves, neck muscles, lymph nodes, etc.). Some pride has been cut away, and my perspective on the “future/time” is markedly different in a way that I could never have imagined without this cancer journey. These scars and paralysis will always remind me that God is absolutely in control of my plans and my every breath (and yours too, dear friends).

As I continue to walk out this journey with fear and excitement, I hope to honor and please the Lord. Thank you for following my story; I look forward to the next chapter.

Happy Easter, friends! Celebrate both the crucified and alive Jesus.

Press on, Rich

He said it so I don’t have to! God is great!

5 thoughts on “Reflections on Easter

  1. Rich,

    Thank you so much for helping us to put this season of the year and, more importantly, our lives into perspective. You courage, faith and honesty are an incredible testimony to the strength of God. Perhaps you are missing another thing this cancer has done – allowed all of us to see what an awesome writer you are! Maybe you write like this all of the time and I have just never been privvy to it. Regardless, your writing and, most importantly, your message are incredible. We are praying for you!

  2. Rich, Lisa and family –
    Tom and I have been praying with confidence in the faithfulness of God…even though we had not learned – until today – where to get your updates.
    What a beautiful blog…tears flow down my face for all you are going through…and how you inspire me with your love for the Lord.
    He is indeed giving you His peace…not as the world gives…but only as He can give. I pray that He will continue to bless you with that kind of comfort and assurance.
    And please know, how beautifully you are glorifying the Lord in the way you are walking this journey!
    I will pray without ceasing for your strength, healing and recovery.
    You are loved

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