Apollo 13 & Cancer

One hundred and sixty days ago, I was diagnosed with stage IV carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma (CxPA) cancer. My health care team performed three aggressive surgeries, radiation, chemotherapy and other targeted therapies. Over the past several weeks, since initial treatments concluded, I’ve been waiting to physically heal enough so I could get tests to determine if the cancer is gone. This week, I had a two medical examinations, blood work, PET and CT scans. On Monday, August 30th I’ll receive the results, prognosis and next steps.

I love the 1995 Tom Hanks, Kevin Bacon and Bill Paxton movie Apollo 13. It’s a documentary style movie about the near lost of the three astronauts from the 1970 NASA mission to the moon. “Houston, we’ve had a problem” is a classic line from that event. Over the years, I’ve called times in my life when I had to wait to see if something was going to turnout the “Apollo 13 Principle”. The Apollo 13 Principle is essentially that awkward feeling when we don’t know how something will come out and when we are not in full control of the process.

Neither mission control or the astronauts were in full control when the spacecraft lost radio communication and was traveling on the dark side of the moon. Thankfully, Gene Kranz, Flight Director, led his team to a successful conclusion.

I am confident that Jesus Christ, who causes all thing to work together for good for those who love him, will be glorified in whatever the outcome may be (Romans 8:28).

On another note, reconstruction is in full swing at Digital Lightbridge. The new space, upgrades and improvements will provide our amazing clients, employees and business partners with a great, unique experience when the work is complete.

Two weeks ago, Chandler began high school and Mitchell started middle school. Lisa has them off to a great start. Our foster son is enrolled in a nice preschool and a program at a local elementary school. God continues to protect him for his birth-parents by keeping them incarcerated.

Today, the boys are shooting another “Army” movie in the backyard and Lisa served women in an domestic violence shelter. Tonight, we are taking friends out to dinner.

We all have Apollo 13 moments in our lives, times when we absolutely have no control over a situation. That’s the perfect time to patiently wait upon the Lord to perform a miracle.

Press on my friends, Rich

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About Richard Hayes

Richard William Hayes is the Chief Executive Officer and managing partner of Digital Lightbridge®. Hayes founded the creative digital agency in early 2001 and remains faithful to its mission of helping companies achieve their business objectives through strategic marketing solutions. Richard is responsible for managing the firm’s day-to-day business operations, as well as sales, and delivering exceptional client service. Richard has over 30 years of experience in advertising and marketing, having held executive positions with Fortune 500 companies and several major communications businesses. Past positions include Chief Operations Officer for Inteledigm Communications, a web development company; Vice President of Cortex Communications, a leading medical education firm; Senior Project Manager and Creative Director for TechData Corporation (TECD); and creative leadership positions with The Tampa Tribune (MEG) and several innovative advertising agencies. Richard is a proud graduate of LeadershipPasco and the Pasco County Citizens' Academy. Senator Mike Fasano presented Hayes and Pasco County Sheriff Chris Nocco with “Good Scouter Awards” from the Greater Tampa Bay Area Council. He was twice awarded the “Business of the Year High Impact Award” by Somebody Cares Tampa Bay. Richard has also been a two-time recipient of C12 Tampa Bay's “Member of the Year Award” and Servant Leadership Awards. He was bestowed the “Hero Award” by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Tampa Bay. Hayes co-founded and published a national Christian leadership publication called TwoTen Magazine. The publication has featured a wide variety of leaders, including Coach Tony Dungy, Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow, best-selling author Dave Ramsey, Dr. Ben Carson, Duck Dynasty’s Willie Robertson, Shannon Bream of Fox News, Gary LeVox of Rascal Flatts, David Green founder of Hobby Lobby, Dina Dwyer-Owens of The Dwyer Group, Ben Watson of the New Orleans Saints, and award-winning country music singer Josh Turner. Hayes is active in his community, currently serving on the Board of Directors of Feeding Pasco’s Elderly as Treasurer, New Harvest Missions International, and CXPA Cancer Foundation, and as an advisory board member for Pasco County Libraries, Marchman Technical College, Abe Brown Ministries, ICDM, Tampa Port Ministries, and a current committee member of CBMC’s Annual Tampa Bay Leadership Prayer Breakfast, Light Up The Night Tampa Bay, The Human Trafficking Foundation, and Jeepin 4 Justice. He is a member of the Westshore Alliance, Christian Chamber of Commerce of Tampa Bay, Gideons International, and The Greater Dade City Chamber of Commerce. Richard has also held leadership positions with the Magnolia Valley Fire Department, where he served for five years as a firefighter, board member, and training officer. Richard and his exquisite wife Nikki, live in Dade City (North Tampa Bay, Florida). They are the proud parents of five, way-above-average, children. The Hayes’ are child-welfare advocates and human-trafficking abolitionists.

4 thoughts on “Apollo 13 & Cancer

  1. I received the PRAISE GOD AND HALLELUJAH NEWS yesterday. CANCER FREE!!!!!! We serve an awesome God. Now I pray that your pain can be dealt i

    • obviously I didn’t finish. I pray that your pain can be dealt with. I’ll be praying to that end.

      For your info. At present we have 63 tables of 10 forLifeCare’s Gala. The Gala is underwritten except for $500. Things are looking good.

      Thank you for sharing your heart.

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